
Losii Dikho Mao ಚುನಾವಣಾ ಫಲಿತಾಂಶ 2022

Losii Dikho

party logoNPF | Mao Won

Losii Dikho is a member of the Manipur Legislative Assembly and was elected from the Mao (ST) constituency in the Senapati district. As a member of the Naga People's Front (NPF), he had won the 2017 Legislative Assembly election. Losii Dikho won the seat in 2017 after defeating Woba Joram of the Bharatiya Janata Party by 15,414 votes. In the sphere of social work, Manipur's PHED Minister has been selected for the National Corona Warrior Award in 2021. Losii Dikho, affectionately known as "People's Minister," has been at the forefront of donating medical supplies to Senapati District Hospital when the COVID-19 was at its peak. He also donated Rs 15 lakh for the acquisition and installation of OT equipment for pregnant women who tested positive for COVID-19.

ಉಳಿದ ಮಾಹಿತಿ

  • ಲಿಂಗ


  • ವಯಸ್ಸು


  • ಪ್ರಕರಣ


  • ಶಿಕ್ಷಣ


  • ಕೇಸುಗಳ ವಿವರ


  • ಸಂಪತ್ತಿನ ವಿವರ


  • ಸಂಪತ್ತಿನ ವಿವರ

    Rs 4.64 crore

  • ಸ್ಥಿರಾಸ್ತಿ


  • ಚರಾಸ್ತಿ


  • ಸ್ವಂತ ಉತ್ಪನ್ನ


  • ಸಾಲ ಇತ್ಯಾದಿ ವಿವರ




Candidate Affidavit Data party logo   

ಎರಡನೇ ಬಾರಿಗೆ ಮಣಿಪುರ ಮುಖ್ಯಮಂತ್ರಿಯಾಗಿ ಎನ್ ಬಿರೇನ್ ಸಿಂಗ್​​ ಆಯ್ಕೆ ಮಾಡಿದ ಬಿಜೆಪಿ

ಚುನಾವಣೆ 2024 Sun, Mar 20, 2022 04:55 PM

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